Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Svrecaのインタビュー 昨年のThe Electric Underground より

Source: The Electric Underground  


Svrecaは現在最も多作なテクノプロデューサーで、アンダーグランドシーンで大事にされているレーベルのオーナーです。本当に光栄なことに、彼が今回、Timeline Musicで質問に答えてくれました。SemanticaレーベルのオーナーEnrique Mena aka Svrecaです。

TM: どういう理由で自分のレーベルを作ろうと思ったのんですか?

Enrique: 僕には自分をDJとして紹介する為のプラットフォームが必要だった。それがはじめに自分の頭にあったことかな。だから、Semanticaは、僕のサウンド、デザイン、コンセプトの延長なんだ。

™: じゃあ、君にとってもっとも影響のあったプロダクション、レーベル、アーティスト は?

Enrique: 本当に素晴らしいミックスの技術を持つスペインのOscar Mulero と Angel Molina。

そしてレーベルは、Tresor、Downwards、Axis、Dynamic Tension。そしてそのレーベルに関わるアーティストたち。このリストを小さくするのはちょっと複雑だね。本当に多くのアーティストとレーベルが僕に影響を与えた。でもほとんどがテクノだったね。

™: Semanticaはプロダクションとリリース スケジュールに関していえば何となく“不思議”なレーベルですね。ノーマルでない印象を受けます。


Enrique: 2006年にSemanticaは生まれた。まあ僕の頭にあったものを形にしたんだけど、時がたつにつれ多方面で発展していったね。



™: ところで、Semanticaには様々なスタイルのアーティストがいるよね。彼らは本当に既に有名なアーティストだ。でも、リリースに関してコネクションが簡単に定義ができないけど、普段から意識して、それらのアーティスとにアプローチしているの?


Enrique: いつもは僕からアプローチしている。アーティストにサンプルをください、とね。普通はレコードを聴いた後や、ギグでアーティストと一緒になった後とか。イニシャルデモを通じてもあるね。




Enrique: もちろん。著作権侵害はインダストリーを変えたし、これからもそうだと思う。人々によってこれを修正、変更できるだろうけど。

TM: Semantica のサブレーベルNonnative の思いつきについて教えてもらえる?どんな方法でレーベルが多様化されるのにも。

Enrique: Nonnativeコンテンポラリーのテクノの発展に貢献した4人のアーティストの個人のスタイルの解釈を見つけることができる。


TM: 初めてのリリースが出たとき、、後半に比べてもっとエレクトロのサウンドだったよね。でも、また最近の物は初めのころのエレクトロな感じがした。これは計画的にそうなったの?

Enrique: まあ、これは僕のエレクトロの認識によるかな。これも年々変わるけど、今現在僕がレーベルに興味があるのはある種のエレクトロだ。

毎年、数枚エレクトロをリリースするけど、これらは素晴らしいものだと思う。新しい、Ed Chamberlain の12″ は本当に素晴らしいよ。

™: まだ、今は一緒に仕事はしていないけど、これからぜひ一緒に仕事をしたいアーティストは誰かいる? 

Enrique: たくさんにいるね。でもSemanticaはとても若いレーベルだから、ちょっと様子を見てみないとね。


Enrique: Karl O´Connor だね。彼は偉大な知能の持ち主で最も素晴らしいと認められたレーベル、プロジェクト、コラボ、ペンネームの裏にいつもいた。疑いの余地がないね。

™: 新しい音楽に関して、何かプロジェクトや、リリースの予定はある? 

 また、 初めてのSemantica CD-Mixの準備をしている。これは夏に発売予定だ。(こちら発売済みで、大好評を得ています)。

タイトルは“For your eyes only”で いくつかの新しいトラックが入り、スペシャルミックスとなっている。

™: (誰にも罪を着せないで考えて)君はエレクトロニックミュジックとドラックとの絶えず続く繋がりについてどう感じている?

Enrique: これは不完全なステーツメントだけど:ドラックはどこにもあるからね。エンターティメントと一緒だったり、他のセクターともつながっている。そうだね、ドラックはいろんな面でエレクトロニックミュージックでキーになる役割を果たしてきたと思う。


TM: 僕らのシーンは本当に数々の予測できないねじれ、迂回を繰り返してきた。予測できなかったサウンドの急発展や変化が起こった。

Enrique: 最も僕が感激した変化は、Sandwell District (2005) 2番目の時期とBerghainで演奏されるテクノを反映した初めのOsgut Ton label (2006) 。


Source: The Electric Underground  

Svreca The Electric Underground

The one of the most prolific Techno prosducers of the moment and owner of one of the most important labels took the time out to answer some questions for us here at Timeline Music and we feel very honousred. The label in question is Semantica and that man is none other than Enrique Mena aka Svreca.
TM: What made you want to create your own techno label? What inspired you to choose the techno genre and when did you first develop a passion for Techno? 
Enrique: I needed a platform to introduce myself as a DJ; that was the initial blueprint of Semantica in my head. That´s why Semantica is an extension of myself about sounds, design or the concept behind it. 
TM: Who have been major influences on you with regard to music production/labels/artists and why? 
Enrique: The greatest Spanish mixers: Oscar Mulero and Angel Molina and labels like Tresor, Downwards, Axis, Dynamic Tension and all the artists related.
Is complicated to reduce this list to a few names only, there´s a lot of artists / labels that have influenced me, but they are mainly Techno artists.

TM: Semantica is somewhat ‘enigmatic’ in regards of promotion, release schedule – never seeming to take the ‘normal’ route in these matters. Would you say that’s intentional or something that’s just arisen over time unintentionally, through your work methods?
Enrique: Semantica was born in 2006 with a rough idea in my mind and the label has been changing and developing in many aspects every year. At the moment I’m still thinking I must dedicate more resources on music, design and other details of the machinery above, any related to promotion.
I think Semantica has enough promotion yet you are asking me about the label, but you know the label after you hear the music. This is the best promotion possible and is it’s natural order.
TM: Despite the wide range of artists and styles featured on Semantica there really does seem to be a real discernible but not easily definable connection between the releases, do you generally consciously approach the artists you feature for releases or do you select them from unsolicited demos received…. Do you have some kind of mission with Semantica with a clear objective regarding the style and sounds featured or is it just music that appeals to you for different reasons??
Enrique: I usually approach the artists to ask for a piece of work. Sometimes it’s after hear a record or meet the artist at a gig, or through an initial demo.
The open range of styles of the label is only a reflection on my taste in music. I know sometimes it could be a weird message to people that follow the label, but is part of the identity of Semantica; an abstract identity.

TM:This may seem like a silly question but do you feel that piracy has had an adverse effect upon your labels? And if so, what do you think can be done about it?? Where do you see the music industry heading in terms of combating this problem??
Enrique: Of course yes. Piracy changed the industry and continues to do so. I think the only way to fix or change this is through the people.
TM:What was the inspiration behind the Semantica sub label Nonnative and In what ways do you see the labels diversifying??
Enrique: Nonnative shows the evolution of contemporary Techno through 4 artists and their indivual interpretations of the style. It was an idea I had in Berlin, thinking about the easiness that this city has to host different people and enable them to contribute to the whole thing, even though they are “No Natives”.
TM: When your first releases came out they had more of an Electro sound than of late. However, your latest releases appear to have reverted to the Electro style of your earlier releases. Was this deliberate or was this a more organic process?

Enrique: Well, basically it depends of my perception of the Electro that I think has changed with the years and at the moment I’m only interested in some types of Electro for the label.
But every year we put out a few Electro releases which I feel are really good. New Ed Chamberlain 12″ is sublime.
TM: Is there anyone you haven’t worked with yet that you’d love to work with or to have them produce your music? 
Enrique: Yes, a lot of names. But Semantica is a young label, let´s see what happens in the future.

TM: In terms of creativity who is your current favourite producer and historically who is your favourite producer and why?
Enrique: Karl O´Connor is the man. He is the mastermind behind some of the most acclaimed labels, projects, collaborations, pseudonyms, etc. Any doubts ?
TM: With respect to new music, what will we have to look forward to with regard to future projects/releases? 
Enrique: I´m working in a few remixes right now for some of my favourites labels of the moment.
At the same time I´m preparing the first Semantica CD-Mix to be released during the summer. It will be called “For your eyes only” and include a few unreleased tracks and exclusives for the mix.

TM: (without incriminating yourself or anybody else!) What are your views on the constant association of the Electronic Music scene and drugs? Do you think drugs have played any part in the birth and growth of our scene more so than any ‘other’ music scene?
Enrique: It’s an incomplete statement; drugs are everywhere, sometimes related to the entertainment, but in many others sectors too.
Yes, drugs play a key role in many stages of the electronic music history, but I think there are many other factors more important which determine and develop the scene.
TM: Our scene has taken many unexpected twists and turns since it’s inception. Many unpredicted developments and changes in the sound. What for you (if any) have been the most exciting new developments in regards of new sounds and styles of music? This could be artist wise or genre/style wise.
Enrique: For me, the most inspiring change was the second era of Sandwell District (2005) and the beginning of Osgut Ton label (2006) as a reflection of the techno music played at Berghain.
I think both things helped techno to revindicate his position during the worst years for the style.

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